Victoria's Laboratory

Your unique today's outfit

It's a big work to create own everyday outfit. But if you have ready-made sets of clothes and accessories for each of the weather and the place where you go you will only tweak your image that would give the personality for each your leaving home.

Create your own outfit with Victoria's Clothes Organizer.

The Clothing sets is a main program form. It has the list of clothing sets, the filter panel, the tables "When dressed" and "Clothes for set", the image of a clothing set, the buttons New Set and Delete Set. Double click on any row for editing. Select the option "---All----" if you want to see all records. Select an appropriate destination, weather and temperature if you want to see limited amount of clothing sets. This function will help you to select an appropriate set of clothes and accessories and create a today's own outfit. You can edit , add and delete destinations, weather and temperature using the right small buttons. You should define destination, weather and temperature for each set using drop down list or enter a new value in the text box.Define clothes for clothing set in the table "Clothes for set". You can select items from drop down list or enter a new dress using the right small button "Edit and Add clothes". Select an option at the pop up for Add or Edit. Enter a clothing description and load pictures from image files. You can enter a category and a location for this item. If you want remove the item from set you can use the left small button "Remove item". Use the table "When dressed" for tracking date. Select empty row and select date from calendar.Click on the column header for sorting the clothing sets list.

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